Want to purchase a ring as a gift but you are not sure of the size?
Discovering the Perfect Ring Size – A Simple Guide
In the world of jewelry, every tiny detail tells a story. Gifting a ring is a beautiful gesture, but what happens when you're not sure about the ring size? That is why we have crafted a special guide to help you navigate this delicate journey.
Use a Ring They Already Own
A quick and easy way? Take a peek into their jewelry collection. Find a ring they wear on the intended finger and use it as a reference. Just remember, it should be from the exact same finger you're buying the new ring for. Click HERE to downlooad Porpe’s Gift Guide.
*****When you print this guide make sure that in the "Page Sizing and Handling" the Actual Size is selected.
Your Personal Ring Sizer – A Gift from Us
For those who believe in the magic of accuracy, we're delighted to present a complimentary ring sizer. It's more than just a tool; it's our way of ensuring that your thoughtful gesture resonates perfectly.
Dive deep into the enchanting world of rings, and let your gifts weave tales of perfection. Remember, with every piece you choose from our collections, you're not just selecting jewelry; you're curating stories. Click HERE if you would like to receive a reusable ring sizer for free!
If you have any question regarding ring sizing just send us an email at hello@porpe-artifacts.com